Incorporating outdoor furniture into your yard, patio, or other outdoor area is a wonderful way to beautify the area and create plenty of seating for guests. Of course many take it indoors during the snowy, cold winter months, which leads to one important question – When is it time to take it out? Should you wait until summer or bring it out at the first sign of sun? Let’s take a look at how you can decide on the perfect time, and a few of the simple maintenance projects you can take on to make sure your furniture lasts for years.

Bringing Your Furniture Out at the First Sign of Spring

One option is to take it out and set it up as soon as it starts getting warm. This is a great choice if you want to enjoy a relatively warm spring day outdoors, and it can bring spring into your life a little sooner than if you wait. The main drawback is that if you bring it out too early and it snows, you could have additional work on your hands. One of the key factors is the type of outdoor furniture you have: If you have all-weather or metal patio furniture, then you may as well bring it out, but if you don’t then you may want to wait.

Bringing Outdoor Furniture in Canada Out in Summer

Another option is to wait until you’re reasonably sure that there won’t be any more significant cold snaps. This is often the best choice if you don’t have all-weather furniture, because it means you won’t have to deal with scraping off snow and drying out your furniture. On the other hand, it can decrease the number of days you’re able to use your outdoor furniture in Canada each year. If you only have it out in summer and fall, then you may miss some beautiful spring days that could be spent lounging on your patio.

Cleaning and Maintaining Outdoor Furniture

The type of cleaning and maintenance required will vary greatly based on which type of furniture you have. Cleaning it regularly, and giving it a deep cleaning at the beginning of the season, can both increase the number of years it’s in good shape, and help it look great all season long. Most outdoor furniture can be cleaned with a simple solution of soap and water, but let’s take a look at specifics for the main types of outdoor furniture in Canada:

  • Wicker outdoor furniture. The best way to clean wicker patio furniture is to use a hose. If you have cushions, just remove them and spray the furniture down. For deep stains or lots of dust, grab a sponge and bucket and wash it down by hand.
  • Metal-framed outdoor furniture. Wrought iron, aluminum, and stainless steel furniture should also be cleaned with soap and water, but make sure that if it isn’t rust resistant you treat it with a product specifically made for that purpose.

To learn more about the many types of outdoor furniture in Canada, contact Cabana Coast or browse our extensive online catalog. We have a wide range of styles and materials, and there’s sure to be a perfect fit for your needs.