More and more people are exploring the world of outdoor patio furniture, which is obvious by the wide selection of styles, shapes and types available.  Of course, an abundance of choice can also bring about indecision or even confusion about which furniture you should ultimately choose for your own patio.

Buying patio furniture should be an enjoyable experience, so we’ve put together some tips to act as a guide to help you choose the perfect furniture for your outdoor space. 

buying-patio-furnitureWhat’s Your Budget?

As much as we wish it wasn’t true, budget will likely be a factor when you’re buying patio furniture.  Everyone would love to have an unlimited budget and get every piece their heart desires, but this usually isn’t the reality.

Take some time to sit down and make a budget for how much you can spend on patio furniture.  If you’re buying a new home or making renovations, add your patio furniture to the overall budget, and then start shopping.

Space and Surroundings

Regardless of budget, you can’t fit outdoor furniture into a space that’s too small.  You also wouldn’t want to use only a small portion of your available patio space.  Consider your space so you can get a better idea which shapes and sizes of furniture to look at.

A round, oval or hexagonal patio dining table can fit into a smaller space much easier than a rectangular table, as an example.  If you have a lot of space you may opt for that rectangular table, and throw in a sectional sofa for relaxing.

Surroundings such as the style of your home, other outdoor features in your yard and how much sun your yard receives should also be factors in your decision.  Ideally, you want your patio furniture to look as though it came with the house.

What Did You Have In Mind?

One of the most important things to consider when buying patio furniture is your intention once you get it in place.  Do you plan to use it mostly for socializing, dining or just relaxing in the yard in your downtime?  You’ll also want to try and estimate how many people will be using the furniture on a regular basis.

If you plan on having neighbourhood get-togethers, you’ll need a different size and configuration then if you want to use it for more intimate dinners or relaxing on a sofa or easy chair.

What’s Your Preference?

CabanaCoast is well known for our durable and stylish patio furniture. There are wicker, aluminum, stainless steel and teak options available in a variety of different styles.  Whether you opt for a dining set, an outdoor living area or both, you’ll have options.  Although, this is the fun part of the process, after you’ve considered all the other factors and narrowed it down a bit.  Sit back and enjoy yourself!